3 min read

Migrate Away from GoDaddy - Evommune Case Study

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Like many businesses, Evommune quickly outgrew GoDaddy and found themselves needing a more robust environment to adjust their journey to a better fit. BEMO helped them make the transition to Microsoft hassle and pain free. 

In this article you'll read the specifics of their experience and what where the solutions put in place.

If you're more of a video person, don't worry, we recorder our interview with Debora Lopez from Evommune, you can watch it below.



The Background: Who is Evommune?

Evommune is a biotech startup from Northern California that is "using the skin as the lens to uncover new approaches for accelerating the development of vital medicines across immunology and dermatology." Their experienced team is growing and as they grew, GoDaddy suddenly no longer fit.


Growing Pains

In the world of startups, ease and pace are always something to consider and with GoDaddy’s version of Office, everything was easy and quick, right from the get-go. At least for a while.

“Our founder picked it on his own. It was easy to add emails, easy to take off emails, easy to add Office 365. You can’t do too much with it so you can’t really mess too many things up on it. It’s user friendly but as you’re growing you can’t stay with it.”

Their team of 7 (in-house) quickly expanded to 19 (including consultants) and the ease and speed of GoDaddy quickly came to a halt as they grew. The breaking point came when they were getting ready to set up their Sharepoint.

With Biotech, there’s a lot of due diligence, a lot of regulatory issues, and a lot of sharing resources. All of this needs to be thoughtfully planned out and access needs to be regulated but the GoDaddy version simply was not powerful enough. Thankfully, they realized ahead of time that going through GoDaddy would severely limit their capabilities and so, before they found themselves locked in, they decided to migrate.


The Recommendation

Evommune’s employees have a wide skillset, but their IT Consultant simply did not have the bandwidth to commit to the migration at the time. So, they went with the next best option: a recommendation. Another of their consultants recommended BEMO. Still, in order to ensure they were getting the best of the best, Evommune interviewed two other companies.

Luckily for us, they liked us best. Why? The differentiator came not during the migration but in the aftercare.

“You would stay on and be able to help with questions after. Not just do the migration and then it was a cut, because a lot of people do that. It’s not that simple.”

Starting from Scratch

Migrating gave Evommune a chance to set up their internal structures in a way that became much more efficient for them. In addition to deciphering how to construct their SharePoint, one of BEMO’s Implementation Engineers helped them create an email structure that would be much more seamless as well.

Jumping In

The downtime for the migration process was only two hours and went very smoothly. Post-migration there were some growing pains as people did have issues getting into their accounts or having incorrect display names come up.

“The only thing I would do differently is I would say ‘This is for Macs, this is for PCs and this is for your cell phone and know that each one is 100% separate’. If you’re showing it to your team, don’t show them the other file.”

Segmenting individuals by their needs (i.e. Mac user, PC user, etc.) was a helpful tip for Deborah, were she ever to handle a migration again. Luckily, any issues were resolved using the materials BEMO provided or by getting on a quick call.

“Thankfully, the team was great. They were extremely responsive. Bruno and Cata got on, Harpreet got on and it was definitely off-hours. So they were amazing to respond and amazing to help out”

says Deborah.

A New Product

Now that Evommune is all set up with their Microsoft Office 365, Deborah says it’s like a whole new product. She’s learning a lot about the Admin Center and all the different ins and outs they are now afforded with the full version of the product. When talking about the GoDaddy Office 365 versus the Microsoft Office 365 Deborah said:

“I like to compare it to PC versus Mac. Mac is you get what you see. PC, there’s so many more layers.”

When I asked her if she would recommend people move from GoDaddy to Office 365 her advice was this:

“I probably wouldn’t even start on GoDaddy because the migration is just a hiccup. You have to have somebody to help you do it because there are so many little things that pop up from a migration. If you’re under 10 people, then maybe you can stick with GoDaddy but if you’re doing large file shares you need contractors to have visibility and send them links and they only have access to that link, then you have to move away from GoDaddy.”

Her final thoughts?

“We are really thankful for Harpreet and his patience! He was always happy to work with us and he never had an attitude. He was always patient and calm.”

She also suggested that if there’s a low period in the day, quarter, etc. try to schedule your migration accordingly but, if you don’t have that luxury, just go for it. We like your style, Deborah, and we wholeheartedly agree!

Want to experience success like Deborah and the Evommune Team? Click the button below to talk to us and start your GoDaddy migration journey!

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