3 min read

Benefits of IT Management

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Whenever we are making a decision, we want to know: how will this benefit me? Right? Thankfully, in our hyper-connected world, there's information aplenty to help you make those decisions. When it comes to deciding whether the benefits of Managed IT are worth the cost, we've got all the information you need. In this blog, we'll look at some of the perks of Managed IT and whether or not it's a good fit for you. Let's jump in, shall we?

Why You Need Managed IT Services

If you're a small business owner, you probably wear a lot of hats in your company. From hiring and onboarding to sales and technology, you've likely had your taste of each aspect of how you do business, which is great. What's not so great is that with the shuffling of many hats, sometimes things get lost in the costume changes and when it comes to IT, that's not a hat you want to lose or a ball you want to drop. 

In our tech-driven world, we've all become accustomed to learning on the fly. You've probably made decisions about everything from choosing between different software to creating company policy for file organization hierarchy. Still, as you've grown, you've started to hand off your myriad tasks to those who are specialized in that area. That's where Managed IT comes in. Still, what's the benefit of Managed IT, other than wearing one less hat?

Benefits of Managed IT Services

One of the top things our customers tell us when we ask them what they like about Managed IT is this: there's someone who always has my back. Like I mentioned earlier, you can't be all-knowing about all things (if you are, please let me know how you pulled that one off!). You need an expert and to add to that, you need an expert who cares. Our team is comprised of super-smart professionals who know all the ins and outs of keeping you and your team secure and productive. But what's equally important is that our team truly wants to see your business thrive. How do we ensure that? Read on, my friend:



When you first onboard with your CSM (Customer Success Manager), either Domonic or Lauren, you will do a deep dive together into your business. What's working? What needs work? And most importantly, where can we help? From that bird's-eye-view, your CSM will create a game plan and zoom into the specifics. They can help you with everything from increasing your security to improving productivity. With a solid approach securely in place, the two of you will then decide how often to meet. How often should you meet? Up to you (though of course, we have recommendations...which leads me to my next point)!

Want an insider's perspective on what Managed IT with BEMO is really like? Listen to Christopher Tipper's hilarious interview about why he chose Managed IT for his company. 

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Quarterly IT Reviews

Whether you prefer a more constant or distant cadence for meetings, we always ensure that you have quarterly meetings with your CSM. Think of your Quarterly Review as a check-in to discuss what's going well and where there's room for improvement. What happens in a Review?

  1. Goals: You'll create and re-evaluate where you and your company stand on your long and short-term plans to make sure you're on track
  2. Training: Included with your Managed IT package is Instructor-Led Microsoft 365 training with Storyals. Why? What good are tools if you don't know how to use them? With Storyals, you will have training tailored to your company and your employee's needs. 
  3. Licensing: Just as with Training above, there's no sense having something you won't use. The same goes for licensing. We will always evaluate your current and potential licensing to make sure you're not overspending and that all your licensing needs are met. 
  4. Tickets: One of our jobs is to help the day-to-day get a whole lot easier and one of the ways we do this is by being your IT Helpdesk. In the review, we'll go over your total tickets and see how things are progressing from the user's viewpoint. 

Managed IT Service Plans

So, is Managed IT for you? As with most things, there no one-size-fits-all approach (at least not in our minds) to Managed IT. Company size and type, number of employees, and current IT staff or lack thereof all going into your decision.

You can also calculate the cost for your plan using our Managed IT cost calculator. Click on the image below. Don't worry, it's private (aka you won't have someone from Sales "conveniently" calling you afterward) and it only takes 2 minutes. 

Calculate your Managed IT costs

If you're already in it to win it and know Managed IT is for you, here's a breakdown of everything that's included when you sign up:

managed it pricing


For a clickable version, head to our Managed IT page.


Managed IT Solutions

The benefits of Managed IT can go on forever but if there's one takeaway I hope you gained today it's this: just as our customers have said, having a partner for Managed IT means just that: a partner. You aren't a number or a stat to us. We see ourselves as an essential part of your team and we will do everything we can to make you succeed. Expect increased productivity. Expect a more secure work environment. Expect the best and we will provide it. But...don't take our word for it. Here's another case study from another BEMO customer, Judy Vogt of TPA Services!

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