2 min read

Meet the BEMO App: Revolutionizing Security and Compliance for SMBs

Meet the BEMO App: Revolutionizing Security and Compliance for SMBs

From the very beginning, BEMO’s mission has been to enable small and medium-sized organizations in Microsoft cloud environments to grow in a secure and compliant way.  

Security and compliance are not easy, even for Enterprise companies. For most SMBs it is even more difficult.  

SMBs reach out to BEMO every day with the same challenges and the same struggles -- lack of time, lack of knowledge, lack of resources, lack of support. “I don’t know if I am secure”, “I don’t know how to get secure”, “I don’t know who to trust”, and “I need to be compliant to keep growing my business”.   

Since the pandemic, things have gotten worse across the board for SMBs. Cyberattacks are increasing, attack techniques are becoming more sophisticated, and even though the tools for addressing these issues exist, they too have become more complicated. And SMBs are falling prey to cybercriminals because they are simply not able to secure and defend themselves.  

BEMO is no different. We are also an SMB, operating in the same world as you, facing the same challenges, and having to master and then leverage the best of Microsoft’s technology offerings to keep our own business safe and compliant.  


The BEMO App Story 

Over the years, we built an array of internal tools, techniques, and practices to help us do this as efficiently as possible and in 2023, we made the bold decision to turn all that intellectual capital into a public-facing application that will allow any SMB in a Microsoft cloud environment to manage their own security and their own compliance, just like BEMO has done.  

The BEMO App gives you the control you lack, the insight you need, and the support you deserve. We are not stepping back. We are building the BEMO App to allow us to work even more closely with you side-by-side, every step of the way on your journey. (And if you still want BEMO to manage your services, we will be happy to do so -- using the very same application.)  

Combined with BEMO’s already-legendary commitment to transparency, support, and customer success, we feel we have an SMB game-changer on our hands. We want you to join us as we build this product in public, incorporating all the best ideas as we go, to deliver on BEMO’s security and compliance commitment to you. 

BEMO SMB Cybersecurity Staff

Join us on our Journey! 

Over the next few months, BEMO’s Product Department will be delivering frequent updates right here on our site to give you firsthand information about the BEMO App product vision, ongoing updates from the build itself, transparent discussions of the problems we are setting out to solve, and direct insight into how we incorporate our core BEMO values into everything we do.  

We’re expecting to tell the complete story in a series of 7-10 blog posts. We hope these posts will generate excitement and spark meaningful discussions that will help us further validate our ideas about what SMBs actually want and truly need.  

And for clients who wish to play an even larger role in the development process, we are creating an “Early Adopters” group that will get sneak-peeks of upcoming functionality, be able to give critical feedback on advanced prototypes of BEMO App components, and be among the first SMBs to have your organization using the BEMO App.  

Subscribe so you don’t miss any updates on the BEMO App! 

 Sign Up for BEMO APP News!


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Meet the BEMO App: Revolutionizing Security and Compliance for SMBs

From the very beginning, BEMO’s mission has been to enable small and medium-sized organizations in Microsoft cloud...




Level up with Training: The BEMO App Learning Center

Level up with Training: The BEMO App Learning Center

Welcome to Part 3 of our BEMO App “Built in Public Blog”, where we give you firsthand information about the BEMO App product vision, ongoing updates...

Support Center Spotlight: The Heart of the BEMO App Experience

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BEMO Raises $3M Seed Round to Build Security Solutions

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