Security Awareness Training

with KnowBe4


What is Security Awareness Training?

Security awareness training is a form of education that equips your users with the information they need to protect all assets from loss or harm. For the purposes of any security awareness training discussion, members of an organization include employees, temps, contractors, and anybody else who performs authorized functions online for an organization.

Organizations that must comply with industry regulations or frameworks such as PCI (Payment Card Initiative), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), the Sarbanes-Oxley reporting requirements, NIST or ISO usually deliver security awareness training to all employees once or twice a year.

While not all SMBs (Small to Midsize Businesses) deliver training on the same schedule, they certainly would benefit from doing so. Cybercrime is not sizeist. By training your employees to avoid cyberheists through phishing attacks, account takeovers, or other well-known means that cybercriminals use to misappropriate company funds you and your company will be safer through and through.



Why Do You Need Security Awareness Training as a Part of Your Cybersecurity Strategy?

To be aware, you need to be able to face things as they are. With KnowBe4 we help employees confront the simple fact that bad guys are trying to trick them. Then we train them how to avoid these tricks. They become aware and able to detect scam emails and can take appropriate action like deleting the email or not clicking a link. Cybercrime is moving at light speed.

A few years ago, cybercriminals used to specialize in identity theft, but now they take over your organization’s network, hack into your bank accounts, and steal tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Organizations of every size and type are at risk. Are you the next cyber-heist victim?  Security strongholds are essential but you also need a strong human firewall as your last line of defense. SAT gives you just this.





Why KnowBe4?

Have you been using a provider for your security awareness training that only offers limited features or outdated simulated phishing and training content? When it comes to having a top-notch security awareness program, just OK is, well...not OK.

If, as an Admin, you find yourself doing a lot of manual work to maintain a consistent, comprehensive program, check out KnowBe4. KnowBe4 provides the world’s largest library of security awareness training content coupled with best-in-class, fully automated phishing attacks, plus thousands of templates and unlimited usage.



How many of your users would click on a phishing link?

Curious if your team is on point? Find out what percentage of your users are Phish-prone™ with your free Phishing Security Test. Why? If you don't do it yourself, the bad guys will beat you to it. See how your company stacks up with phishing Industry Benchmarks. Start phishing your users now. The Phish-prone percentage is usually higher than you expect and is great ammo to get the budget you need.


Sign up for a Free Phishing Security Test


Here is What People Are Saying About KnowBe4 

You and your team have made my life much better in dealing with employee awareness. It is very appreciated and has given us boost-up with our regulatory requirements and preventive measures.
I have been enjoying your product a lot. I also love the brief updates about news and issues from Stu every so often. It helps to keep me informed and aware of any potential threats.
We have been using KnowBe4 for a few years now and we are very happy with the service. We love the new features that you have added to the phishing campaigns.

Security Awareness Training yielding tangible results

2020-Chart (1)Old-school awareness training never really hacked it. Herding your users in the break-room, keeping them awake with coffee and donuts and subjecting them to death-by-PowerPoint gave traditional awareness training a bad rap, and rightly so.

KnowBe4 is your platform for new-school security awareness training. You won't need the coffee and treats. We help you keep your users on their toes and your security top of mind. With this new-school integrated platform, you can train and phish your users, see their Phish-prone percentage™ and Risk Score improve over time, and get measurable results.


What Makes KnowBe4 Unique?

  • Flexible and adaptive: Greater context-awareness and real-time intervention
  • Focus on time savings: Micro-learning, behavioral baselining, test-outs, fine-grained roles/rules
  • Smarter: Broader use of AI and machine learning
  • Plug-able: More integrations with 'traditional' security tools
  • Sneakier: Better automated social engineering use cases
  • Sensitive: Learner sensitive and aware
  • More flavorful: more variety of content, styles, tones, formats, etc.
  • Assistive: Will naturally encourage greater program maturity


KnowBe4 has the largest content library in the world. We are the largest security awareness training provider in the world. With over 30,000 customers (and counting), nearly 1,000 employees, and offices in 9 countries, KnowBe4 is the world's most popular and most proven security awareness vendor.

The Inside Man - an award-winning KnowBe4 Original Series

'The Inside Man' is an award-winning KnowBe4 Original Series that delivers security awareness principles embedded in each episode. Teach your users key cybersecurity best practices and make learning how to make smarter security decisions fun and engaging.

(included with KnowBe4 Diamond and Diamond Managed)

Not sure where to start with Security Awareness Training. Talk to one of our KnowBe4 champions.



Packaged Offers

(25 minimum purchase)

KnowBe4 Silver KnowBe4 Gold KnowBe4 Platinum KnowBe4 Diamond KnowBe4 Diamond Managed
Per user/year
$ 20
$ 6

$ 25
$ 7

$ 30
$ 29

$ 35
$ 79
As low as
$ 50
$ 99
Most popular
Core features
Unlimited Phishing Security Tests
Automated Security Awareness Program (ASAP)
Security ‘Hints & Tips’
Describe Feature Here
Brandable Content
Phish Alert Button
Phishing Reply Tracking
Active Directory Integration (ADI)
Industry Benchmarking
Virtual Risk Officer™
Advanced Reporting
Advanced features
Training Access Level II
Monthly Email Exposure Check
Vishing Security Test
Smart Groups
Reporting APIs
User Event API
Security Roles
Social Engineering Indicators (SEI)
USB Drive Test
Priority Level Support
Training Access Level III
AIDA™ Artificial Intelligence-driven Agent BETA
The Inside Man - entertainment-based learning experience
Onboarding and coaching by BEMO
  Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now

Additional resources

Here are two eBooks for additional details on the service.

Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing Platform - Datasheet

Old-school security awareness training doesn’t hack it anymore. Today, your employees are frequently exposed to sophisticated phishing and ransomware attacks. We can help.



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Security Awareness Training & Simulated Phishing Platform - Buyer's Guide

KnowBe4 is the world’s largest integrated platform for security awareness training and simulated phishing. This guide explains everything that is included in the KnowBe4 platform.



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